From Fox we got:
Irman Jones claims in 2008, two Aurora officers stopped him and during that stop he claims he was yanked from his car, beaten with a flash light, and then tazed three times which left him unconscious (February 21, 2010)
A 30-year old Denver man is seeking court protection from an Aurora police officer who he says may be harassing him because of a federal civil rights violation lawsuit filed against the City.
Irman Jones claims in 2008, two Aurora officers stopped him and during that stop he claims he was yanked from his car, beaten with a flash light, and then tazed three times which left him unconscious, and beaten and bloodied as well. When Jones went to court on charges that were filed by police, a judge threw the case against him out.
That prompted Jones to 'lawyer-up' and in turn file a federal suit against the City and the cops. Now, he says as a result of the law suit officers named are following and harassing him.
"I was eating lunch a couple weeks ago, when Officer Matt Milligan came in and made threatening gestures toward me," said Irman Jones. "If he did what he did to me for no reason, what would he do to me now that I have filed a law suit against him and his partner."
(I highly recommend the racist comments section too. Stay classy Colorado.)
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